Tutorial: Havok C2 on Kali Linux

This is a sneak peak preview of part of a chapter from my new book – “Mastering Command and Control: Exploring C2 Frameworks using Kali Linux

Tool GitHub: https://github.com/HavocFramework/Havoc
Tool Wiki: https://havocframework.com/docs/welcome

Havoc is a GUI driven multi-user Command and Control (C2) framework written in Golang, C and ASM. It is easy to use and has many great features making it a great option for Red Teams. It is also quickly becoming the “C2” of choice in online cyber-attacks, so it’s good for Blue Teams to be familiar with it too. 

Havoc C2 – Installing

Havoc in now included in the repositories of the newest version of Kali Linux. It can be installed by just entering the tool name.

Open a Kali Terminal and enter the following commands:

  • sudo apt update
  • sudo apt upgrade
  • havoc (this will prompt you to install it)
  • cd /usr/share/havoc

You need to run Havoc from the install directory as it uses a config file (havoc.yaotl) in its profile directory. There are a few settings you can change in the config file, including Host, Port, Users and Passwords. Though I will just use the default config for this chapter.

Havoc is made up of two parts, the Team Server and a Client. You need to have both running in separate terminal windows.

Havoc C2 – Start the Team Server

  • Enter, “havoc server –profile ./profiles/havoc.yaotl -v

“-v” starts Havoc in verbose mode. If you want debug information, you can also add, “–debug”

Havoc C2 – Start the Client

Now we need to start the client, or the user interface to Havoc.

  • Open a Second Terminal
  • Navigate to “/usr/share/havoc
  • Enter, “havoc client
  • Click “New Profile
  • Then click “Connect

You could also use a name and password from profile located at – profiles/havoc.yaotl

Havoc C2 – Create A Listener

First up, we need to create a Listener. A Listener looks or listens for incoming shells when a target runs a payload, and creates the connection. 

  • Click “View” from the top menu
  • Then, “Listeners
  • Then, at the bottom of the screen click, “Add

Add a name and select a Payload type. I just used HTTP. Lastly, set the Host IP address and Port

Click “Save”

Havoc will save and then start the listener.

You can see the status of the Havoc in the Event Viewer window.

Havoc C2 – Generating a Payload

Next, we need to make a payload or shellcode for the target to run.

  • Click, “Attack” from the top menu and then, “Payload

Havoc gives you several options. We will just take the defaults and chose a Windows Executable for the payload type. You should see your new listener listed. If not, select it from the drop-down box. Make any changes you want, I made none, then click “Generate”. Havoc will create our attack payload. It will take a few seconds for it to generate, it will then prompt you to save it.

Now, all you need to do is Copy and Run this file on a target Windows system.

And we have a live session!

This is just the begining, in the full chapter we delve deeper into controlling the remote session.

Read more on Havok and on 11 other C2s in my new book!

Mastering Command and Control” available on Amazon.com

Cheap Security Lab Training with Raspberry Pi 4, Docker & Kali Linux

The Raspberry Pi is a small yet power platform that is perfect for building a cost effective cybersecurity training lab. In this article we will look at installing Docker on a Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB) running Kali Linux (64 bit).

The case pictured is the Official Raspberry Pi 7″ touchscreen in a modified touchscreen case. It was made for the Pi 3, only slight modifications were made so the Pi 4 could fit in it. Modify cases at your own risk, you could cut yourself or destroy your case.

Installing Kali Linux on a Pi 4

This article assumes that you have already installed and updated Kali Linux on your Pi 4. If you have not, simply download the 64 bit Kali Linux 4 ARM image from Offensive Security.

Extract the image, write it to an MicroSD Card, insert it into your Pi4, attach peripherals, and power last of all. Allow the system to boot up completely.

Login with “kali/ kali” – Since Kali 2020, you no longer use “root/ toor” to log in. Reboot, Update and Upgrade, and reboot one last time. You are now ready to install Docker.

Installing Docker on Raspberry Pi

Full docs for installing Docker on the Pi are available on the Official Kali Website: https://www.kali.org/docs/containers/installing-docker-on-kali/

  • sudo apt update
  • sudo apt install -y docker.io
  • sudo systemctl enable docker –now
  • docker

You can add a user to the Docker group if you wish:

  • sudo usermod -aG docker username

You may need to start the Docker service manually

  • sudo service docker start

That’s it! You can now run Docker and install any Docker images that you want.

OWASP Juice Shop on the Raspberry Pi

Some Docker containers will not run on ARM, but you can find ports for some of the more popular ones. Just realize that some times these aren’t “Official” images, so proceed with due caution.

Also, the purposefully vulnerable Docker Images are just that, so follow all precautions necessary to protecting your systems while running them. The most preferred method is a stand alone local address only test LAN, disconnected or firewalled from both the internet and any production systems.

We will install the Docker “OWASP Juice Shop” image from the Docker library. This is an ARM port of the official OWASP Juice Shop program.

Tool website: https://hub.docker.com/r/santosomar/juice-shop-arm64

To install, and run, simply open a terminal and type:

  • docker run -d –name juice-shop -p 3000:3000 santosomar/juice-shop-arm64

Docker will pull down the image, and run it.

Once it is installed:

  • Open a browser and navigate to localhost:3000 or IP_Address:3000

You are now good to go! You can begin testing your skills locally on the Pi or you can use a LAN system to practice your skills. A full write up on “Pwning OWASP Juice Shop” can be found here:


and a list of Solutions can be found here:


A list of challenges for Juice Shop is available. As you complete each challenge, the website keeps track of your pwning progress. Here is one of my favorites, the “Melee Kitty”!

Enjoy and most importantly, have fun!

If you would like to learn a lot more about using Raspberry Pis in the security field, check out my latest book, “Security Testing with Raspberry Pi“!

Hands-On Review: Grove AI HAT for Edge Computing

Bring next level intelligence to your Raspberry Pi projects with the Grove AI HAT for Edge Computing. In this article we will take a quick hands-on view of the Grove AI HAT board & Ultrasonic Sensor in standalone mode, and used as a Raspberry Pi HAT.


The Grove AI HAT for Edge Computing is built around Sipeed MAix M1 AI MODULE with the Kendryte K210 processor inside. It’s a low cost but powerful stand-alone board that can also run as a Raspberry Pi Artificial Intelligence HAT.

The board not only bristles with peripheral connections (I2C/UART/SPI/I2S/PWM/GPIO), but has built in audio and video processing capabilities for AI projects.  This means you can connect multiple Grove Sensors to the board. Couple that with its video and audio capabilities and it makes it an interesting choice for Edge Computing environments. 

Seeedstudio provided me with a Grove AI Hat board for review. There are plenty of articles on the technical specs of the board, so this article will be more of a “hands-on” usage review. Let’s hook a Grove sensor up to the board and use it on its own, and as a Raspberry Pi HAT.

The Grove AI HAT is a new board, so there are not a lot of usability instructions available at this time. One of the quickest ways I found to interface with the board is to use the Seeedstudio Arduino interface. The ArduinoCore-API interface has been added to the board, allowing support for multiple development environments, including Arduino IDE, Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X. This basically means you can run Grove Arduino Libraries and many other Arduino libraries on this board.

Enough intro, let’s see it in action!

Basic Arduino Instructions

The Grove AI HAT can function entirely on its own and in conjunction with a Raspberry Pi. A good starting point is to connect one of the many Grove sensors to the board, and perform basic input/ output using the Arduino library.

In this section, we will see how to interact with a Grove Ultrasonic range sensor and view the output using the individual board, and then as a Raspberry Pi HAT.  

Follow the Arduino setup instructions on the Seeed website carefully. You need to add board drivers and use a specific writing option (K-flash), if you pick the wrong options, your board will not function properly.

Follow the setup instructions here:


Summarized below:

  • Download and install the Arduino IDE on your computer
  • Run Arduino IDE
  • Add the K210 Grove AI HAT for Edge Computing driver
  • Select the K-flash programmer

The Arduino IDE is now configured to work with the Grove board.

Using the Grove Board Standalone

Once everything is setup, you can use Seeed’s sample Arduino code to control the board directly. For example, the Ultrasonic sensor.

WARNING: Do no connect or disconnect sensors to the board while it is powered up, you could damage it!

Connect your range sensor to the board (I used port D13)

Then using a USB C cable, connect the board to your computer. This will power up the board and allow your computer to communicate to it.

  • Next, load in the ultrasonic Arduino library into your sketch project folder.
  • In the Arduino IDE, enter the sample code provided by Seeed:
  • Compile and write the code to your board

Now, open the Arduino serial monitor and you should see live range detection:

Move your hand back and forth in front of the range detector, you should see the range update live in your Serial Monitor tab.

That’s all well and good, but this is a Raspberry Pi HAT! How do you use it with a Raspberry Pi?

Grove on the Raspberry Pi

In this section we will look at using the Grove AI board with a Raspberry Pi 3b+. The Pi 3b is running Raspbian and is setup up for remote access via Putty. To use the Grove Board and Pi in tandem, we need to connect them together. Disconnect power (the USB cable), connect the riser board to the Grove board, and then carefully connect the Pi and grove boards together. Make sure no power is applied to either board, and the pins line up correctly, or you could damage your boards.

Only provide power to one board, the Pi or the Grove Hat, if you connect power to both boards you need to change a switch on the Grove board.  

Connect the USB cord from your PC to the Grove power port. Both the Grove board and Raspberry Pi should power up at the same time. In this configuration, you can still use the Arduino Serial Monitor to view the sensor output. But we want to see it on the Pi.

To use the Grove board on a Pi, we will need to install the Grove Python library.

Instructions can be found here:


Basically, from a Raspbian install:

Now with the Grove library installed, we can run a short Python program to communicate with the Sensor through the Raspberry PI.

  • cd ~/grove.py/grove

Enter in, save and run the following Python program in the grove directory:


It should look like this when done:

Now, just run the ultrasonic.py program:

And that’s it! You should see distance displayed in real time.

You can open the Arduino Serial monitor and get readings from it at the same time, as seen below:

One interesting feature is that if the Pi is shutdown, or the Python program stopped, the Grove board can continue to work.

As seen below:

The Ultrasonic program was stopped, but the device continues to operate as seen in the Arduino serial monitor.

AI Computing

As mentioned at the beginning of this video, the Grove HAT has video and audio processing capability built in. I ran into some questions on how to access the video and audio part of the card and am waiting to hear back from Seeed tech support. So, I will explore this capability in future articles, but for now, Seeed has a great demo video of this capability on their website:



This was just a very basic intro to the Grove AI HAT for Edge Computing. The board is very exciting as it brings a host of sensor capabilities to the Raspberry Pi platform. I believe this will allow for much more intelligent Pentest drop boxes (it could sense and record when someone was in the room, for example), robotics projects, Magic Mirrors, and whatever else you can dream up. Stay tuned, more to come!

About Seeed Studio:
Seeed is the IoT hardware enabler providing services over 10 years that empower makers to realize their projects and products. Seeed offers a wide array of hardware platforms and sensor modules ready to be integrated with existing IoT platforms and one stop PCB manufacturing and Prototype PCB Assembly.

Seeed Studio provides a wide selection of electronic parts including ArduinoRaspberry Pi and many different development board platforms. Especially the Grove System help engineers and makers avoid jumper wires problems. Seeed Studio has developed more than 280 Grove modules covering a wide range of applications that can fulfill a variety of needs. 

Pi 4 Hacking Platform using DietPi and PTF

Building a Raspberry Pi 4 Ethical Hacking platform using The Pentesters Framework and DietPi.

I’ve been playing with using different hacking tools and Operating Systems with the Pi 4. In this article I cover installing The Pentesters Framework on a RPi 4 running DietPi.

DietPi is a very lightweight Debian OS for the Raspberry Pi. The Pentesters Framework by TrustedSec is an Ethical Hacking installation script that automatically installs and updates over 250 modules/ tools. It would be great if they would work together on a Raspberry Pi 4. The good news is that is does – With a couple tweaks.

I cover installing and using The Pentesters Framework on Raspberry Pi in my latest book. So, I am not going to go into great detail on using the tools in PTF. I just want to cover actually installing it on DietPi.


NOTE: You will need a Raspberry Pi 4, and at the minimum a 32 GB MicroSD card if you want to install all of the PTF tools. Don’t have a Pi 4? Seeed is currently offering free shipping for orders over $119 with a Raspberry Pi 4 4GB.

Insert the MicroSD card into your Pi, attach peripherals and lastly connect power (always connect power last). When DietPi boots up you will be presented with some options.

  • Pick any software install options you want, then “Go install software”
  • Requested software and updates will be installed
  • Reboot when finished

I just run through it quickly the first time to get the latest OS updates. Note the CPU temp warning, it’s a Pi 4, it runs hotter than a Pi 3.

To install an “X” Desktop or any other included software, type, “dietpi-software”.

There are a ton of add-on software options under “Software Optimised”. For example, if you want a graphical desktop, pick the X-Desktop you want and then the “Go install software” option. You can also setup your login preferences from this menu – auto login, desktop login, etc.

All we really need here is to install Python. Then we need to make a small config file tweak and finally install PTF.

Installing Python

From the DietPi-Software menu, go to “Software Additional” and install Python:

  • Cursor down to Python Pip, hit the space bar to select it.
  • Select “OK

You will return to the main menu.,

  • Cursor down and select “Go >> Start Installation
  • Reboot when finished

We need to install git:

  • Open a terminal and enter, “apt install git

Next we need to comment out a line in the ‘/etc/hosts’ file or the PTF install will error out.

  • Comment out the “::1 localhost  IPv6 localhost” line
  • Reboot

That’s it! We can now proceed with the standard PTF install:

You will then see the main PTF interface:

Type “show modules” to see all available modules. You can install individual ones if you wish. If you have a large memory card (32 Gb), you can install all of them.

  • To install all tools, enter “use modules/install_update_all
  • Reboot when finished

The install will take a very long time, especially if you install all of the modules. After install, all tools will be located in category themed directories under the ‘/pentest’ directory, as seen below:

Many of the tools can be run from anywhere, but some tools require you to change into its install directory for it to work properly. This is usually ‘/pentest’, but some run from ‘/usr/share’ as well. Check it out, there are a ton of very good tools at your disposal, like “Sniper”:

And there you have it. Again, I go into much deeper detail in my book about using PTF on a Pi, I just wanted to show how it could be installed on DietPi. If you want to learn a lot more about using Raspberry Pi for Ethical hacking check out my latest book – Security Testing with Raspberry Pi