Hacking the Holidays – Security Gift Ideas

Hacking the Holidays hd

It’s that time of the year again when people wonder, “What should I get for the hacker in my life?” So, I thought I would give out a few helpful hints, and throw in some shameless advertising to boot!


Always a great choice, books are very important for the security enthusiast. Not only do they increase our skillset, but also make great places to put your mug, adjust monitor heights, or block a door open.

book marketing

Recommended Security Books:


Most hackers love to tinker with hardware. Here are some toys that can be used by the naughty (Red Teamers 😉 ) and the nice.

Raspi Zero Banner

Hardware hacking tools are always a hit. Hak5 and Hacker Arsenal have some great products. Raspberry Pi kits are always fun to tinker with, and you can use them for so many different things. Check out dantheiotman.com for some ideas.

Other Ideas

  • Gift Cards (Amazon, Steam, Playstation, etc – ask to find out what they use)
  • Video Game related swag (Bethesda store is great!)
  • Sci Fi stuff
  • Desk Toys (Who wouldn’t like a Bluetooth toy to try to hack?)
  • Hoodies (stereotypical, I know, but many do like them!)

Sci Fi and video game related posters, shirts, etc. can be a hit. If all else fails, Gift cards are always a good choice if you still can’t decide what the hacker in your life would like.

I hope this helps. Here’s wishing you and yours a Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and a wonderful and prosperous New Year!