
I doubt any other field has advanced as fast as the computer industry. When I started in this industry two decades ago, I was doing component level repairs on Commodore 64 computers and upgrading offices from typewriters to IBM PC/XT systems. At my most recent position, I worked in a secure Fortune 500 corporate datacenter with thousands of virtual and physical servers.

Needless to say, things have changed a lot in the last two decades. We, as a nation, have gone from using solitaire to learn how to use a mouse to real time communication and collaboration across continents. As we are more dependent on the internet for daily activities, we have also opened ourselves up to more security concerns than ever before.
With international hacking attempts making headline news, we must, as a nation, corporately and individually, increase our security consciousness. Cyber Arms Blog is dedicated to providing security news and tips for everyone from corporate to home users.

Thank you for visiting my Blog. If you have questions, comments or feedback, I would love to hear from you! Please feel free to contact me at cyberarms(at)live.com.

Daniel W. Dieterle

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the middle of wolves: be you therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” – Matthew 10:16 AKJV

15 thoughts on “About”

    1. Thank you for the kind words. I love the computer security field and enjoy passing along pertinent, current information to help protect and inform both businesses and home users alike.

      If you ever have any questions please let me know, I enjoy the feedback. My e-mail is cyberarms(at)live.com.

      Thanks for visiting!


  1. great blog btw! I am going to add a link on my blog (extremesarcasm.org) to your blog. Very interesting article about the Iranians ‘downing’ our drone, I was not aware that they were claiming that they used some sort of ECM to capture it.

    1. Thanks Richard! Sorry in the delay in responding. I’ll check your blog out when I get a chance. Man with the Holidays and several projects in the fire I have been buried.

      Glad you liked the site!


  2. Fantastic Blog! ^_^ I have enjoyed reading this for many months so far, as a Brit living in Asia, its great to see the western side of security news! Thanks so much for your efforts and sharing of information that i find both useful and so very helpful. Thanks again, please keep up the good work!

  3. Hi my name is Kevin and I work at FindTheBest — I love your resources on computer security! I wanted to see if I could add you to our blog comparison site under the Software and Tech industry. FindTheBest is a unique comparison tool that would undoubtedly be extremely useful to your readers. We have some great comparisons on Antivirus Software Comparisons (antivirus-software.findthebest.com) that I think your readers would love! Would you be willing to add this link to your blogroll or resource section?

    Hope to hear from you soon, thanks!!

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