Disguised Raspberry Pi that can Hack your Network

I’ve been playing around with a Raspberry Pi on and off for a while now. The credit card sized, fully functional computer can do many things, including being transformed into a security testing tool!

There is a great article on TunnelsUp.com that demonstrates disguising a Raspberry Pi computer as a power plug and configuring it to connect out to a control server using SSH. Basically making it into something like the popular Pwnie Plug device.

When assembled, the device looks like a any other power adapter that clutters our power hungry offices. Except this one allows someone on the outside of the building to connect into the building, possibly allowing them to perform attacks against your infrastructure.

Though the author mentions just using “A Linux OS” on the PI, using something like this and placing Kali Linux on it would make it a very powerful (and affordable) attack/ security testing platform. Kali is the latest version of the Backtrack penetration testing platform, is loaded with security tools and works exceptionally well on a Raspberry Pi.

Very cool project, this should jog the creative mind of penetration testers and hopefully be a warning to IT departments to keep an eye out for rogue devices such as this.

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